The pig party!

There were many pets in Men’s Hostel, when we joined one of the seniors had kept a monkey in appendix. Favourite ragging question was “what does he feed his monkey?” The answer was bananananaa.” Which had to match Beethovan’s Symphony which began with a ‘Tanananaa’.
There was a cat christened Thomas, named after it’s owner but it came to along with anyone who fed it. We used to use Thomas’s services to rid of the lizards in our rooms. Just bring him to your room and tap the wall with a stick, above where the lizard is perched. It would race down in the opposite direction and Thomas would pounce and grab it with his paws and swallow it whole. One of our Super Seniors decided to test the 9 lives of Thomas by throwing it down from the Supertop. Thomas landed on his feet and limped away. He had now 8 lives remaining!
Our juniors bought two Yorkshire Piglets from RUHSA. They were very cute with pink skin. They were Christened ‘Coccus’ after a Professor of Microbiology, Grace Koshy and Pulli after the Principal the great Benjamin Pulimood. These names were written on there bellies in bold writing. They were let free in the enclosure behind the kitchen in Men’s Hostel and the Thambis fed them all the left overs and vegetable peels. Within 6 months time they grew to 200 pounds, which speaks miles about the Hostel leftovers.
Now we come to the sad part, as the pigs had been bought by contribution amongst the juniors with profit on their minds. One of them had to be sacrificed to realise the profits. A professional butcher was brought from town and I think Coccus was the first one to go. The meat the enterprising juniors sold to lot of staff and with the proceeds bought what else but booze and organised a pig party on Appendix terrace. The menu was pig, fried, boiled, grilled and curried. I had the privilege of being invited to this party and throughly enjoyed. Luckily no one ended with ‘Pig Bel’. I was not there to know about the fate of Pulli, however I learnt that RUHSA got smart after that and refused to part with their Piglets.